Structural Fascial Bodywork
(Direct Myofasial Release)
Structural Fascial Bodywork utilizes a wide range of ‘direct’ myofascial techniques drawn largely from Structural Integration (Rolfing). Structural Integration involves connective tissue (fascia) treatment techniques originally developed by Ida Rolf, a pioneer of modern bodywork, and further developed by therapists such as Tom Myers and James Earls. Unlike indirect Myofascial Release, the therapist will decide the direction the connective tissue (fascia) needs to be moved and/or lengthened to help correct poor posture and structural imbalance. The client is observed in their underwear to assess patterns of strain and/or tight fascia (body reading). Direct fascial techniques are then employed to address these to help give the body balance and optimal function.
Structural bodywork is very slow with no lubrication, using the palms, knuckles, fingers or forearms. The therapist often uses client movement to aid the effective release of restricted areas of fascia. This powerful bodywork is primarily used to correct structural/postural problems (e.g. lordosis, Dowager’s hump, kyphosis, scoliosis, forward head posture, sway back) as, over time; strong fascial tissue has tightened, therefore ‘holding’ people in their poor posture state. It is also be used to treat facet/disc problems, tortioned pelvis and spondylosis (spinal arthritis) by correcting muscle imbalances and reducing soft-tissue compressive forces.